17 Things You Can Do To Help The Podcast Grow

If you’re reading this, you’re probably a fan of the podcast. Thank you very much for giving us your time and attention!

If you like and and want it to grow and thrive, there are ways to do so. Here is a list of 23 things, great and small, that you could do to help out the podcast. Any or every one of these actions would tangibly help our podcast out.

  1. Listen to every episode (of course). Subscribe to it via your podcast platform of choice.

  2. Tell someone about the podcast, particularly if it’s a theatre person. Word of mouth helps immensely!

  3. Rate and Review this podcast on iTunes or any other podcast platform.

  4. Join our Facebook group. Talk about the latest episode.

  5. Join our email list for announcements and discussion.

  6. Follow our Twitter account.

  7. For all of the social media accounts, please engage with us! Like or retweet our posts, comment on them, etc. It really helps us to know the impact an episode has.

  8. See the work of the featured playwrights in real life whenever an opportunity comes about. We’ll try to talk up any events from our alumni playwrights whenever possible on our social media accounts.

  9. Suggest a playwright on our Contact Page. I do not want playwrights to pitch themselves. I want people in the theatre community of Boston to suggest other playwrights to feature, particularly if you’d want to serve as a guest co-host.

  10. If you liked the performance of any of our actors, cast them in your project. Same with our contributing directors. You can find their names on these pages: Season 1 Contributors, Season 2 Contributors.

  11. Support us financially on Patreon. I saved this for later, because any of the previous actions listed are truly helpful in itself. But sending us financial support for this podcast goes a long way towards securing the future of the podcast.

  12. And hey, if you are a person making theatre, an artistic director, dramaturg, director, actor, etc. Seek to work with the featured playwrights! I want for this podcast to result in more opportunities for the featured playwrights. You can do this by.

    1. Finding them on the New Play Exchange.

    2. Contacting playwrights directly. I ask playwrights at the end of every episode on information on how to find them. If you liked what you’ve heard, contact them to see what develops.

  13. If you want to read a role on future episodes, let us know via the Contact Page. I’ll add you to the email list I maintain for past and future contributors.

  14. And if you’re just a regular theatre enthusiast, see plays. See new plays, particularly. The healthier the market for new plays, the better it is for playwrights. The New England New Play Alliance is a good resource to keep abreast on the local new play scene in the Boston area.

  15. Try one of the playwriting podcasts on this list I’ve compiled.

  16. Support new plays, support local playwrights!

  17. If you have further ideas to advance the podcast, let me know via the Contact Page!

BlogGreg LamSeason 2, Social Media