Episode 2.02: Melissa Bergstrom & Kate Marple, The Big Work


Say hello to Melissa Bergstrom and Kate Marple of The Perpetual Visitors Theatre Company. Together they bring us their unique brand of documentary playwriting with their play, The Big Work, which you can download on Amazon, Audible, and iTunes. They interviewed dozens of people across their country about their feelings about their jobs and weaved their words together into a fascinating play which talks about how people really feel about their work (and getting banned from meetup.com in the process!). They also put out the Identity Tales podcast which you can download for free.

Mentioned: Meetup.com, audible.com


  • Melissa Bergstrom

  • Christa Brown

  • Teddy Crecelius

  • Emily Duggan

  • Kate Marple

  • Sunit Sharma

This excerpt provided courtesy of The Perpetual Visitors Theatre Company.